News Article
July 9, 2022

The Jericho Movement Supports The Mapping Project

This educational tool of decolonization is powerfully applied to reveal the true imperialist landscape of Massachusetts.

The Jericho Movement would like to express our immense gratitude for all the work that has gone into The Mapping Project in Boston, MA. This project calls attention to the interlocking systems of oppression we face, providing a compilation of well-researched information and analysis which can be used to better understand how global imperialism seeks to subjugate human beings (and all life and land) through prisons and military might. This educational tool of decolonization is powerfully applied to reveal the true imperialist landscape of Massachusetts.

Through the Mapping Project, we can visualize the structural links between entities of oppression in an in-depth, holistic, and intersectional maner. The Jericho Movement will continue to support The Mapping Project, learn from it, share the knowledge it has to offer, and contribute our group's collective knowledge to expand it. 

The Jericho Movement rejects in the strongest terms the smears that zionist organizations, government officials, and mainstream media have made against The Mapping Project. These attempts to distort it are wrong, deceitful, and constitute a brazen act of censorship. An honest look at the Mapping Project’s content easily dispels all of the empty attacks with which opponents have attempted to discredit it. We have learned from Political Prisoners especially that pushback from the inhumane, imperialist, and capitalist powers increase in direct proportion to the effectiveness of the liberatory work being done. Fear mongering against the Mapping Project is nothing more than a cowardly attempt to uphold the systems of imperialism, white supremacy, and settler colonialism that the Mapping Project challenges.

 To our comrades in the Mapping Project Collective: be brave and stay united in this time of heightened struggle. Your work is casting liberatory ripples across the landscapes of our movement ecosystem - From Palestine, to the New Afrikan and indigenous independence struggles on this land that holds us. 

Free Them All!

Jericho Boston on behalf of The Jericho Movement 


Visit the Mapping Project’s website to learn more:

View recent media coverage of The Mapping Project using the links listed below.

Published Articles by the Mapping Project Collective:

Interviews with the Mapping Project Collective:

External Analysis of the Mapping Project:

Solidarity Statements:

Coverage in Arabic: